Are vaccines really necessary?

YES!!! They are very important for all horses. Vaccines enhance the immune system to more easily fight off any diseases or challenges they face. They need to be administered twice a year-but vary with the seasons. There are certain ones that are necessary for this area, but others that are not. Spring time: East/West Encephalitis, Tetanus, Flu and West Niles. Fall time: Flu, Rhino, West Niles. Rabies is an annual and can be done if requested.

What is Floating/Equine Dentistry?

Horses are some what unique in that their teeth continue to “grow” or erupt thru out their life time. They grind feed down in the mouth, then swallow it. The smaller the food is ground down in the mouth, the more nutrients the body can get out of the feed in the rest of the digestive tract. Teeth are obviously ground down during the chewing process, but over time, many points and problems will almost always occur. This can result ulceration, poor chewing, loss of weight, poor hair coat, dropping food, poor performance, head tossing, etc. With proper sedation and equipment, the teeth are smoothed and shortened to allow proper mastication and oral comfort.

Should I use an “Equine Dentist”?

I AM AN EQUINE DENTIST!!! As a licensed veterinarian, I am legally licensed and allowed to do medicine, surgery, dentistry, etc. I am allowed to do the entire procedure-exam, sedation, all floating and oral work, and any post work or injections. I have had countless undergrad years, 4 years of training in vet school, 1 year as an intern, approximately 17 years as a practicing vet, and countless hours of continuing education. An “Equine Dentist” that is not a veterinarian, is not a doctor and is not recognized by the AVMA. In the state of Nevada, an equine dentist (nonvet) must be a licensed vet tech and CAN NOT administerany shots or sedatives without the guidance of a veterinarian. So if you are going to have your horses teeth floated, use a specialist that actually is a Doctor.

What are the signs of “Colic”?

To numerous to mention. Lack of eating, lethargic, lying down, kicking, biting at sides, no manure, rolling, not drinking, etc. Basically, know your horse and recognize what is abnormal. PLEASE call if you are not sure what is going on. BUT, before you call, get as much information as you can-heart rate, respiration rate, fresh manure, temperature, eating, drinking, etc.

Does my horse still need to be “dewormed”?

YES!!! Your horse is NEVER rid of all worms, nor is that the goal of worming. There are beneficial parasites in your horse that need to be there and be healthy. Keeping the various worms that your horse picks up and also that grow inside down to minimal levels is the goal. “But Doc, I had a fecal test done and it said no worms were found and that I dont need to worm?!?” That fecal test is only checking for the presence of worm eggs-you can have plenty of worms that are just not laying eggs right now, or the feces that were checked did not have eggs in them. Fecal tests are not to rule out the need to worm, but are to ID the egg and thus the kind of worm laying it, therefore I can recommend the correct wormer needed to eliminate that type of worm. I recommend worming 3 times per year with several kinds of wormers, but each horse facility is different, so I recommend contacting me and we can set up a program taylored to your horses’ needs.